All anime images are from Kyoto Animation, fair use for educational purposes.
All StreetView images, where specified are from Google StreetView, fair use for educational purposes.
Upon leaving the school, Oreki passes a bridge (Real-world image from Google StreetView).
This shot of the Japanese alps are shown when Oreki recalls his sister telling him how the Japanese Alps with its peaks of over 3000 metres cut through the air creating different microclimates. Kyoto Animation went over to the Alps Viewing "Sky Park" to get this angle. Unfortunately, it was covered with clouds during my visit.
折木が姉の教えを思い出している時この北アルプスが出てきます。3000メートルを超えていて気流を二つに切り、アルプスの表・裏の気候が完全に違うと言っています。 京アニは、アルプス展望公園「スカイパーク」でこの映像をとりました。 しかし僕が訪れた時は、山が曇っていました。

This is the entrance to the Takayama City Library. It's a genuinely old building (not a replica) and used to be a school.
高山市図書館の入り口です。 レプリカじゃなくて本当に古い建物です。 元は学校でした。
This is the building as a whole. KyoAni made the right call in deleting all the cars! I did not take any photos inside as it felt wrong to do so at the time but it seems accurate from memory.
これが建物その物です。駐車場の車が全て消されています。 写真を取れそうな雰囲気ではなかったので中身の写真はありません。
At dusk, Oreki and Chitanda cross this bridge over the Miya River. (Real-world image taken from Google Streetview.)
This particular bridge has statues on it.
Oreki and Chitanda then part ways at the same intersection as seen in Episode 1.